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A modern approach to learning & education

The Apollo Mobile Learning Center is a state-of-the-art mobile training facility that allows for advanced endoscopic training programs
to be conducted virtually anywhere. The design of the Mobile Learning Center offers the ability to provide advanced
hands-on training with the convenience of having the programs delivered locally and regionally.

The Mobile Learning Center features an interactive conference room for formal didactic presentations
as well as a lab facility that features 5 state-of-the-art endoscopic teaching stations.

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Apollo national training events

Apollo Endosurgery understands the need for ongoing training in order to keep pace with the evolving field of gastrointestinal and bariatric medicine. Our national training events feature world-renowned physicians sharing best clinical and product practices. Courses feature faculty presentations, case reviews, and procedural-specific hands-on labs.

Peer to peer site visits

Our Peer-to-Peer Site Visit Program is designed for the physician who wants to visit a faculty location to observe cases and discuss procedures. Programs can be customized to accommodate specific procedure observations, staff discussions, and visiting physician case review.

Proctoring and preceptorship programs

Our Proctoring Program offers in-procedural support to physicians from either an Apollo Endosurgery’s Advanced Procedural Specialist or a faculty physician. Physicians are provided with clinical and product guidance for their first cases enabling them to treat their patients with the best quality care possible.

Apollo led hands-on experience

Whether in cities across the country or at conferences, the Mobile Learning Center is available for physicians to learn and gain more experience with the Overstitch Endoscopic Suturing Device. Equipped with procedural-specific models, our Medical Education Team and Apollo representatives are available to offer physicians a customized hands-on experience to address their immediate needs. Ask us about opportunities at DDW, SAGES, Obesity Week and other major conferences.

Society training events

Apollo Endosurgery awards educational grants to regional and national society organizations. Many society training events feature the Overstitch Endoscopic Suturing System to educate physicians on suturing techniques. These meetings present a good opportunity for physicians to become familiar with Overstitch while in attendance.

Start being a leader

Your patients deserve the very best. Advance the capabilities and reputation of your practice by equipping your operating room
with the future of bariatric and gastrointestinal technology. Find out how you can excel your practice with Overstitch™.

Get Started Today