Be a leader in bariatric & gastrointestinal surgery
Join the Leaders of therapeutic endoscopy. The OverStitch™ Endoscopic Suturing System allows you to place durable, full-thickness sutures offering your patients stable constructs through a minimally invasive approach. With the ability to customize suture patterns, OverStitch™ enables you to lead the way for new and enhanced treatment options for a wide range of procedures.
Product highlights
- Flexibility to deploy both running and interrupted stitches allows you to treat a wide range of indications.
- Curved needle design allows for controlled depth of suture placement and enables the placement of durable, full-thickness sutures.
- Deploying and reloading sutures while maintaining direct visualization of the operative site allows for better control and helps minimize scope insertions/removals.
- The knotless fixation design provides fast, secure closure without the need to tie complex surgical knots.
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programs designed to support you and your team.
Advance your procedural reach
Defect closures
Modern clips offer a quick solution for closing small defects, but are limited by their size and rely on mucosal fixation. Using multiple clips to close a larger defect becomes costly and does not ensure a secure closure during the healing process. The OverStitch™ Endoscopic Suturing System allows you to close defects and engage healthy tissue giving you advantage to address defects of any size and tissue quality. Full thickness suturing incorporates the muscle layer and allows more stable construct during the healing process.
Large area tissue approximation
With the ability to customize suture patterns, the OverStitch Endoscopic Suturing System allows a physician to place running sutures to approximate either a small or large area of tissue. Additional sutures can be placed as needed to enhance construct stability.
Lead the industry
Take the next steps to strengthening your practice
and improve the solutions you offer your patients.