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Find an ESG Specialist near you

Find a doctor near you and book a consultation to see if ESG could be right for you.

1. Type in your zip code
2. Select the desired distance.
3. Select Find A Doctor.

The doctors listed can help you understand if ESG is right for you. They will answer your questions about what to expect from this endoscopic procedure.  Please scroll down for additional important information.

Note: Names and details are provided for your information only. Decisions regarding choice of doctor and treatment options are a patient’s responsibility, as is all communication and interaction with listed medical professionals. Any information you send to a doctor is not covered by our Privacy Policy.

This list was created to support persons who want to learn more about the Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG) procedure by helping connect them to doctors who currently have demonstrated qualifications and training on the Apollo ESG™ System.  The list is compiled by Apollo Endosurgery and includes physicians known to have completed required training for the Apollo ESG™ System and who have agreed to be included on this list.  The results shown may not be inclusive of all physicians who may have experience with the Apollo ESG™ System or therapies like the Apollo ESG™ System in your area.

To be included on the list, a doctor must have completed the necessary FDA-mandated training on the safe and effective use of the Apollo ESG™ System.

The doctors on this list pay no fee for inclusion. Some doctors on this list may purchase products from the company, provide consulting services to the company, and/or may be a party to a co-marketing agreement with Apollo. Apollo Endosurgery makes no representations or warranties regarding the skill of the doctors or the quality of their outcomes and inclusion of a physician in this directory does not represent an endorsement by or a recommendation from Apollo Endosurgery. You and your doctor must determine if treatment with ESG or any procedure is right for you. The criteria posted on this site are subject to change at the sole discretion of Apollo.